Instant gratification trap

Instant gratification trap

It's all too familiar in a stagnating economy: Your business' revenue is down. Earnings are taking a beating. With no end to the decline in sight, it's easy to panic. Most industries are feeling the pinch, and many are caught in a struggle for survival. Usually, the...

Survival marketing

Survival marketing

How to commit survival marketing without panicking (and ruining your reputation)? In "Instant gratification and the short term trap" I eluded to why a short term focus and a desire for instant gratification can mess up your business. Well, you may think this is all...

Find your brand promise

Find your brand promise

Why strategy is vital when developing your brand promise and why you should stick to it? Many CEOs distrust this fluffy thing called branding. Usual things like Finance, Operations, HR and IT happen inside an organisation. One can develop policies and procedures to...

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