LikeYourBrand.com is for you, the entrepreneur or small business owner, to give you tips and know-how on how to refine your brand and marketing activities to grow your business. We know that almost every entrepreneur has said, “I wish I could clone myself!” We also understand how challenging it is to find the right clients, get the right staff, motivate them, do the(ir) work, ruin the books and cry while walking up the stairs, holding the railing, not because you are sad, mostly because you are exhausted. Then, telling yourself… I’m a Rock star when you fall asleep at 8 pm, 5 minutes after you slapped your laptop down to…just take a quick break.

Running a small business is, well, tough, to say the least.

We believe we can help you because we have worked with South African entrepreneurs, small and medium businesses for the past 20 years. We know their hearts and their fears.


We also know that media is consumed differently in our country than others. Because we understand this, we combined our knowledge of strategic marketing and content development with our creative ideas to give you a product that will help you make a difference to your current efforts. Also if you complete the posts that relate to your “own” content (the content about your business), you will add to your vault of brand information and will start refining your “own” brand positioning and strategy.

Stick with this platform; here you will find helpful tips and information, as well as products and advice to keep you up to date and yes, entertained, but not busy for hours and hours. Why? Because we know you don’t have time. You do what you do, and don’t get distracted by the next new shiny thing. We do marketing and branding. You are a rock star.

We aim to help you:

  • To identify the right clients
  • Engage and attract more clients
  • Understand the marketing basics
  • Build customer loyalty and databases
  • Build your brand
  • Build your brand awareness
  • Generate more leads
  • Make more sales
  • and many more that you don’t want to read…



  • We know you are busy, but you still need to do marketing.

  • We know that you don’t know where to start.

  • We know you don’t want to waste money.

  • You are a rock star.

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